St. Teresa’s Curriculum Intent
- Our curriculum is driven by the need to prepare children for lifelong learning and the next stage of their educational journey.
- Our curriculum promotes diversity and an understanding of different cultures both locally, globally and historically.
- Our curriculum recognises the unique qualities and characteristics of each child.
- Our curriculum is based on assessing prior knowledge and building on these strong foundations through a carefully sequenced curriculum.
- Our curriculum recognises the importance of promoting reading throughout all the subject areas.
- Our curriculum is designed to promote independent and resilient learners who think critically and have a curiosity for learning.
- Our curriculum builds ‘cultural capital’ for our pupils by exposing them to a quality curriculum, a range of experiences and visits, visitors to school and by promoting character building qualities that lead to creating well rounded global citizens.
- Our curriculum is designed to promote our Catholic and British Values and to develop our pupils spiritually, morally and socially.
- Our curriculum is designed to promote healthy pupils both physically and mentally.