Home Page

St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

St. Martha

St. Martha's Class


     Welcome to St. Martha's Class


We have so much fun in Reception and we really enjoy our learning. We look forward to sharing our work with you on these pages.


Meet the Team

Our Class Governor is Mrs Flood

Phonics - Phase 2 sounds

Phase 2 sounds to help parents to support their child's learning at home.

Phase 3 sounds

Literacy Targets -

Tips and activities

Remember to use your home journal codes to start creating your journals on Seesaw. The teachers can see what you are posting and share activities and announcements. 

Useful Information

PE Day- PE is on Tuesday afternoon and Friday this term. Please make sure your child comes into school wearing their full P.E kit on PE days. Children should wear long navy joggers and a navy hoodie to keep them warm at playtimes. All P.E kit items MUST be named please.


