Home Page

St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

St. Ignatius

Meet the Teacher 


Miss Sledge

Welcome to St Ignatius Year 6's Class



This page is designed to keep you up to date with curriculum maps, knowledge organisers (for some subjects) and useful links which might help the children in their learning journey this year.


Please connect with Seesaw (our learning app) where we will be sharing photos, videos and other information about the day-to-day learning/activities which go on in our class. If you are struggling to connect please let us know and we will be able to help!



Our Class Governor is Mr Pearson


Year 6 SATs Presentation

Year 5 and 6 Common Exception Words. Learn to read, spell and understand these. 

Summer 1 Curriculum Information

PE days

Please come to school in your PE kit on PE days. 

Thursday (outdoor) and Friday (indoor)

This September, we will be launching Seesaw again. This is an excellent way to communicate with your child's class teacher. 


Remember to use your home journal codes to start creating your journals on Seesaw. The teachers can see what you are posting and share activities and announcements. 
