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St Teresa's Catholic Primary School



Our Governors work in partnership with the Headteacher, the Archdiocese and the Local Authority to secure the best possible education for every child in the school.  The Governors provide an important link between the Archdiocese, the Local Authority, the parents and the wider community.


Our role as Governors is to work with the Headteacher and make decisions on how the school is run.  We are responsible for ensuring that the school has a broad and balanced curriculum, that the school is safe and secure and that there is a pleasant environment in which the children may learn.  The Headteacher is at the helm and manages the school on our behalf.  We also ensure that the school’s ethos and catholicity is promoted in all aspects of school life.  The Governing Body regularly challenge the Headteacher and also act as a critical friend providing advice and support.


The whole Governing Body meet once per term and the minutes of these meetings are available for you to read from the School Office.


The current Governing Body:

  • Mr Paul Hood(Chair of Governors and Foundation Governor)
  • Mr Keith Pearson(Vice Chair of Governors and Foundation Governor)
  • Mrs Christine Flood (Foundation Governor)
  • Mrs Lynne Bull (Foundation Governor)
  • Mrs Lisa Sumner (Foundation Governor)
  • Mrs Katherine Griffiths (Foundation Governor)
  • Mrs Carrie Toal (Foundation Governor)
  • Mrs Rebecca Moffat (Staff Governor)
  • VACANCY (Parent Governor)
  • Mrs Alison Jones (LA Governor)
  • Mrs Jillian Holmes (Head teacher)


The Full Governing Body meetings are clerked by a member of Governors Services Team who is employed by the Local Authority.  He/she is there to advise on points of law and takes no part in any decisions.


Governing Body

The Governing Body of St Teresa’s Catholic School is a combination of appointed and elected Governors.  There are seven Foundation Governors, two Parent Governors, one Staff Governor,  one person is appointed by the Local Authority and also the Headteacher, .


Foundation Governors

These seven Foundation Governors are appointed by the Archbishop of Liverpool.  It is the task of these Governors, not only to be responsible for the conduct of the school in the same way as any other Governors, but they must also, because of the special Catholic nature of St Teresa’s School as a Catholic Primary, safeguard the special Catholic dimension.  This will mean, most importantly, that all seven Foundation Governors are practising and committed members of the Church. 


Parent Governors

The Parent Governors are elected by the parents of pupils at the school and must be a parent of a pupil at the school at the time of the election.  They do not have to stand down if their child leaves the school, though they may do so if they wish but can continue until their term of office expires.


Staff Governor

The Staff Governor is elected by and from the staff at the school.  If they leave the school they have to stand down from the Governing Body.


Local Authority

These are appointed by Lancashire County Council.


The Headteacher

The Headteacher is a member of the Governing Body unless he/she chooses not to be.  In either case the Headteacher has the right to attend meetings of the Governing Body.


The complete Governing Body is, therefore, made up of twelve members.  They have between them a wide variety of skills, expertise and experience.


Powers and Duties of the Governing Body

Parliament has given a range of duties to Governing Bodies in the Education Acts and powers to enable them to carry these out.  Broadly, these are:

  • helping establish, with the Headteacher, the aims and policies of the school
  • advising on spending the school’s budget – in schools with delegated budgets
  • making sure that Religious Education and the National Curriculum are provided

Selecting the Headteacher

  • Appointing, promoting, supporting and discipling other staff
  • providing outside advice and acting as link between the local community and the school


Governor Committees

All Governors sit on one or more committees and the Chairs of these committees report back to the Full Governing body on a regular basis.

The Committees are:

  • Admissions
  • Curriculum / Standards & Effectiveness
  • Health and Safety/Buildings
  • Resources
  • Appraisal
  • Pay 
  • Governor Self Evaluation
  • Appeals
  • Pupil Discipline
  • Staff Discipline/Attendance


The Chair of Governors and the Headteacher are ex-officio members of all committees.


All Governors attend training provided by the Local Authority.
